Without a doubt, when one moves into a new home, one of the primary concerns invading his/her mind, is: getting the apt flooring. After all, proper floors are not only basic residential utilities they are also the basic contributors to the aesthetic value of a house.
This is why, it is essential, especially for new homeowners to have a very clear idea of the kind of flooring that they want for their residences. The most fundamental ideas they can have is by way of the basic knowledge of the various kinds of floor edgings used while choosing the flooring type for a home.
Hence here are a few types of edgings that one could refer to:
Square edged floorings
These are construed of wooden planks cut at a perpendicular without any finishing, which for that matter is left to the user to decide upon. However, the type of floor edgings herein give a more precise look and a hence contribute greatly to the aesthetic value of a home.
Plus, the risk of damage during packaging, storing, and distribution are reduced to a minimum owing to its better quality over bevelled floorings.
Beveled floor edgings
These edgings, though less preferable to square edged ones are nonetheless desired by many new homeowners. The primary reason being, this kind of edging allows more space for error as compared to the former, which is primarily known for its inbuilt finish.
Moreover, with sharply cut edges, there’s plenty of scope better spacing and floor preparation. This in turn paves the way for minor dimensional errors hence even slightly uneven subfloors go unnoticed.
Plus, as far as maintenance is concerned bevelled edges score any day over square or for that matter any other kind of flooring. Bevels act as a buffer, rather an absorber against all the dust and grime on any floor. Hence, the grime gets scrubbed off the floor, saving it from damage, while lending the flooring type a distinct advantage by way of risk protection and cost effectiveness.
Micro beveled edge wooden flooring
This sort of flooring bears a distinct similarity to beveled edge flooring. And yet it combines the characteristic finesse of square edge floorings. The edges of this flooring manifestation are definitive and extremely sharp, lending it a considerable margin for error while the surface is aptly suited to accommodate any kind of coloring at all.
The final look that is achieved is absolutely perfect.
In case, one runs into a confusion regarding the kind of flooring that he/she might require, then they would do well to base their choices on a few parameters, like the kind and degree of desired finishings, and the budget involved therein. In case, finishing lies on the topmost of priorities for a homeowner, he/she might as well opt for square edges.
For budget floorings, individuals would do well consider the other two options, which also score optimally on the aesthetic front. Plus, beveled floors are very preferable for those who prefer a natural look for their interiors. Hence choices of people should be based accordingly.
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